what we do

liberating the generation of tomorrow

At the Free Child Foundation we are dedicated to eradicating Violence Against Children (VAC) in all its forms. We believe in a world where every child, regardless of background or circumstance, feels safe, respected, and empowered to reach their full potential.

Our multifaceted approach

Our comprehensive approach tackles VAC from several angles:

  1. Child Protection and Inclusion:

Safe spaces: We create safe havens where children can access support, participate in recreational activities, and learn about their rights.

Child-friendly reporting mechanisms: We establish and promote confidential reporting channels for children to report abuse safely.

Vulnerable child identification: We work with communities to identify children at heightened risk of VAC, such as those living in poverty, street children, or children with disabilities, and provide them with targeted support.

Inclusive interventions: We ensure our services cater to the unique needs of all children, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or disability.

  1. Education:

Empowering children: We deliver interactive workshops and programs that teach children about VAC, its different forms, and how to identify and report abuse. This includes educating them about safe touch, healthy relationships, and personal boundaries.

Parenting education: We equip parents and caregivers with the knowledge and skills to create safe and nurturing environments for their children. This includes positive discipline techniques, recognizing signs of abuse, and open communication strategies.

Community awareness campaigns: We raise public awareness about VAC through campaigns, workshops, and information dissemination to foster a culture of child protection within communities.

  1. Social Policies:

Advocacy for stronger legislation: We actively lobby for stricter laws against VAC, including harsher punishments for perpetrators and better protection mechanisms for child victims.

Policy analysis and recommendations: We research existing policies and propose evidence-based reforms to address gaps in the legal and social framework surrounding child protection.

Collaboration with policymakers: We work with government agencies and stakeholders to ensure policies effectively address the root causes of VAC and promote child well-being.

  1. Gender:

Addressing gender-based violence: We recognize the specific vulnerabilities girls face regarding VAC, such as child marriage, sexual exploitation, and female genital mutilation (FGM). Our programs address these issues through targeted interventions and support services.

Promoting gender equality: We believe in breaking down harmful gender stereotypes that contribute to VAC. We encourage open conversations about healthy masculinity and empower boys to become positive changemakers.

  1. Innovation for Children and Youth:

Technology for good: We explore innovative solutions like mobile phone applications to provide children with anonymous reporting options and access to support services.

Creative awareness campaigns: We utilize creative mediums like art, music, and storytelling to engage young people and communities in conversations about preventing VAC.

Youth leadership development: We empower young people to become advocates for child protection by providing them with leadership training and opportunities to be involved in decision-making processes.

Together, we can create a world where all children are safe, respected, and empowered to reach their full potential.

How You Can Help:

Donate: Your financial support fuels our fight against VAC and empowers us to reach more children in need.

Volunteer: Share your skills and passion by volunteering for our programs and community initiatives.

Raise Awareness: Spread the word about VAC and the work of FCF. Talk to your family, friends, and community members.

Advocate: Join your voice to ours in advocating for stronger policies to protect children.


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