Campaign details

Send Child Back To School

raised funds 3%

Inspired by the esteemed President of Tanzania, Her Excellency Samia Suluhu Hassan‘s call to action, FCF works closely with the City Council of Kibaha Town in Pwani region to undertake the “Send a Child Back to School” campaign.

Addressing the Challenge:

Alarming research reveals that 40% of Tanzanian children remain unregistered for the academic year, often due to financial constraints faced by families at the beginning of the term. We understand that many families in our community struggle financially at the beginning of the school year, leaving children at risk of missing out on their education. This campaign directly addresses this challenge by providing much-needed support to ensure every child has the opportunity to learn and thrive.

program objectives

Understanding the critical impact of education, FCF, in partnership with the Kibaha Town City Council, Pwani Region, Tanzania, embarks on a mission to:

Financial Support:   FCF will provide financial assistance to families who struggle to afford school-related expenses, including uniforms, textbooks, and school fees.

Community Outreach:  Our team, in collaboration with the city council, will conduct community outreach programs to identify families facing financial constraints. Through door-to-door visits and community meetings, we will raise awareness about the importance of education and the available support.

Advocacy and Guidance:   FCF will advocate for the right to education and guide parents on available resources and government programs that can help alleviate the financial burden of sending children to school.

Collaboration with Schools:  We will work closely with local schools to ensure a smooth reintegration process for children. This includes facilitating communication between parents and school authorities, addressing any concerns, and fostering a supportive environment.

Monitoring and Evaluation:  FCF, in partnership with the city council, will monitor the progress of the campaign, track the number of children returning to school, and assess the impact of the financial support provided

Together, we can make a difference! By joining hands with FCF and the City Council of Kibaha Town, you can help ensure that every child in our community receives the quality education they deserve. Let’s empower the next generation and build a brighter future, one child at a time!

How You Can Help:

Donate: Your financial support fuels our fight against VAC and empowers us to reach more children in need.

Volunteer: Share your skills and passion by volunteering for our programs and community initiatives.

Raise Awareness: Spread the word about VAC and the work of FCF. Talk to your family, friends, and community members.

Advocate: Join your voice to ours in advocating for stronger policies to protect children.

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